May 2024

A good friend used to say Spring in our industry is like being shot out of a cannon. With late snowstorms and spring cleanups colliding this analogy seems fitting. It reminds me of what we need to do as leaders to help lessen the burden on our teams. For those of us with many years of experience, we must help staff members new to the industry or new to roles with more responsibility about strategies to get through these next couple months with some sanity and hopefully significant success. Some tips I would share include working with your team to instill a mentality to do the job right the first time. Nothing gets more in the way of progress than having to redo something. Make sure expectations are evident. In our rush to fit in all that pulls at us, it is easy sometimes to leave out a detail that is important to get the task right the first time. Be concise and respect that everyone's time is limited. Have a plan that works for you for following up and delegating where you can. Most importantly, take time to appreciate the work your team does and share many thanks to your team and your customers.

As we look to celebrate teams, ALCC's Women in Green committee is having a photo contest. Please find great opportunities to capture moments where women on your team are hard at work making landscapes. Submit those pictures with a brief description to [email protected] now through November 1. Have a great spring and take the time to appreciate your teams. 


Brian Levins
Designscapes Colorado Inc.
ALCC Board President